Definition: Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, particularly countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar. The scientific name for the tree is Mitragyna speciosa. The leaves of the kratom tree have been used traditionally for centuries for their variety of psychoactive properties.3

Science Behind It: Kratom contains alkaloids that interact with various receptors in the body, producing a range of effects depending on the dose. Kratom alkaloids have a potential utility for managing minor pain from physical activity, along with mood enhancement and increased energy. Ongoing research is crucial for better understanding kratom’s safety and therapeutic potential.5*

Examples in Action: 
“Works like a charm for back pain.” – Christina M., Verified Buyer 
“Simply amazing. I absolutely love these shots. It’s the only thing I take to help with my pain.” – Candice H., Verified Buyer 

Fun Fact: Kratom leaves were traditionally used by Southeast Asian farmers to boost their stamina and endurance during long hours of manual labor.2*

Key Takeaways:

  • Kratom’s Wellness Benefits Are Plentiful: Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a versatile botanical used for centuries in Southeast Asia for energy, minor pain relief from physical activity, and social bonding.*
  • Kratom Strains Offer Mood-Boosting and Relaxing Effects: The plant’s effects vary based on its vein color and regional strain, offering tailored benefits from calming and relaxing to energizing and mood-lifting.*
  • VIVAZEN® Kratom’s Uses For Better Well-Being: VIVAZEN® embraces kratom’s traditional and therapeutic uses, integrating this potent botanical into proprietary herbal blends to provide holistic and ethical Feel Good Relief® for modern well-being.*

At VIVAZEN®, we are passionate about empowering individuals with knowledge and access to high-quality, plant-based supplements. It is with this spirit that we delve into the fascinating world of kratom. This botanical has been used for centuries for its potential to provide Feel Good Relief® naturally and ethically.4

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, where its leaves have been used by indigenous populations for hundreds of years. It belongs to the coffee family, sharing some similarities in the energy-boosting effects it can produce.4 However, the allure of kratom extends beyond simply invigorating the senses; users report that it encompasses an intricate balance of potential relaxation and rejuvenation,4 making it an intriguing addition to the holistic wellness toolkit.*

In this article, we will explore kratom, its historical context, contemporary discussions surrounding its use, and how it aligns with VIVAZEN®’s mission to provide Multi-Purpose Feel Good Relief through our carefully curated, high-quality plant-based supplements. Try VIVAZEN® today.

What is kratom VIVAZEN

History of Kratom

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. The tradition and culture surrounding kratom are as rich and diverse as the rainforests from which it hails. Indigenous to countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea, kratom has been used for centuries by local populations.

Traditional Uses Of Kratom

The leaves of the kratom tree, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, were cherished by local populations for their remarkable properties. Traditionally, workers and farmers in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia turned to kratom for its ability to enhance endurance, focus, and energy during long, laborious days.9 They either chewed the leaves raw or brewed them into tea, leveraging the natural compounds to combat fatigue and increase productivity.2*

Beyond its utility as an energy booster, kratom was also esteemed for its potential therapeutic benefits. Communities have historically used kratom to alleviate various ailments, employing it as a natural remedy to soothe minor pain and manage discomfort. The traditional use of kratom extends to its role in social and cultural ceremonies, where it was consumed to induce a state of relaxation and well-being among participants.2*

Cultural And Ceremonial Use

The cultural use of kratom dates back generations. Historically, it was used by peasants and laborers who chewed the leaves for a natural energy boost and to sustain them through long, hard work days under the sweltering sun.9 This practice was analogous to the drinking of coffee or tea in other cultures—a way to start the day with a burst of energy and focus. Beyond its energizing effects, kratom was also utilized for its potential to relieve minor pain and fatigue, lending a sense of well-being and endurance.*9

The ceremonial use of kratom is another facet of its rich cultural heritage. In certain communities, kratom has played a central role in rituals and gatherings, used as a means to foster social bonding and communal engagement.2 This aligns with the ethos of VIVAZEN®, where the cornerstone of our belief is in harnessing the power of botanicals to enhance communal well-being and personal health.*

The Botanical Profile Of Kratom

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical evergreen tree that belongs to the coffee family. It is native to Southeast Asia, predominantly found in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea. The leaves of the kratom tree are the most valuable part of the plant, containing over 40 different compounds, including alkaloids such as mitragynine.

These alkaloids are primarily responsible for kratom’s unique effects, offering a spectrum of benefits that have been revered in traditional medicine for centuries. The following is a breakdown of how kratom is harvested and ingested to experience its effects. 

  • Harvesting: In its natural habitat, kratom grows to a height of up to 25 meters, with lush green leaves that are rich in natural compounds. The leaves are carefully harvested, ensuring that only the finest quality leaves are selected. This meticulous attention to detail is paramount in preserving the intricate balance of active ingredients that kratom contains.
  • Methods of Consumption: Traditionally, kratom leaves were chewed fresh or dried and brewed into a tea.2 In modern times, they are ground into a fine powder that can be ingested directly or encapsulated. This makes kratom easily accessible and convenient for individuals seeking its robust, natural effects.
  • Effects of Kratom: Kratom’s botanical profile is unique, providing a nuanced approach to well-being. Some users report that kratom may offer a balanced uplift in energy and a profound sense of calm.4 This duality is what makes kratom such a fascinating and sought-after botanical.*

Understanding Kratom Varieties And Strains

Kratom is not a one-size-fits-all substance. Its diverse array of varieties and strains each possess unique characteristics and effects, catering to a wide range of needs and preferences. Originating from the Mitragyna speciosa tree, a native of Southeast Asia, kratom has been appreciated for centuries for its potential benefits, including support for energy levels and overall well-being.*

Varieties Based On Vein Color

The most common way to categorize kratom is by the color of its veins. The three primary vein colors are red, white, and green, each offering a different experience:

  • Red Vein Kratom is anecdotally known for its calming and relaxing properties. Some users chose it for a sense of tranquility or those needing a gentle nudge towards easing discomfort.*4
  • White Vein Kratom anecdotally stands on the opposite end of the spectrum, celebrated for its energizing effects. It’s preferred by those looking for a natural boost in energy and alertness.*4
  • Users report that Green Vein Kratom finds its place in the middle, balancing the properties of both red and white veins. It offers a mild energy boost coupled with a serene calmness, which may make it a versatile choice for those new to kratom or seeking the best of both worlds.7*

Strain Varieties by Origin

Beyond vein color, kratom strains are also differentiated by their regions of origin, with each locale imparting its unique properties into the plant:

  • Bali Kratom hails from Indonesia and is often lauded for its effects. Users report it gives a strong sense of well-being and comfort.6*
  • Maeng Da Kratom is a robust strain that originated in Thailand but is now grown in various locations. This strain is revered for its effects and is favored by some users for its reported ability to provide an energizing effect.7*
  • Malay Kratom, originating from Malaysia, is celebrated for its user-reported uplifting and euphoric effects.6 It may be ideal for those seeking a boost in mood and cognitive function, providing a balanced energy lift.8*

Tailoring Your Kratom Experience

Understanding the nuances between kratom varieties and strains is essential for tailoring your experience to your specific needs. Whether seeking relaxation, energy, or a balanced state of well-being, there is a kratom strain that aligns with your personal preferences.*

By embracing the diversity of kratom, VIVAZEN® continues to foster a community of well-being, helping adults find the perfect botanical blend to support their lifestyle and enhance their day-to-day life.

How Kratom Works In The Body

At its core, Kratom is more than just a plant; it’s a natural ally in balancing the complexities of the body and mind. Understanding how Kratom works in the body illuminates why it stands out as a remarkable component of VIVAZEN®’s proprietary herbal blends.

Uplifting Energy 

Upon ingestion, Kratom’s active compounds, primarily mitragynine, interact with receptors in the brain.1 This interaction is one of the mechanisms that contributes to unlocking the plant’s diverse effects. Far from being a simple one-note botanical, Kratom’s influence is multifaceted. Thanks to its interaction with alpha-2 adrenergic receptors,1 it offers stimulation at lower doses, providing an energy boost.1 It’s this uplift in energy that aligns perfectly with VIVAZEN®‘s commitment to offering Multi-Purpose Feel Good Relief at any time of the day.*

Relaxation Without Lethargy

As the dosage increases, Kratom’s interaction with the body evolves, offering soothing effects that promote relaxation.4 This dual capability underscores Kratom’s role in VIVAZEN®’s mission to provide a natural form of relaxation. The magic of Kratom lies in its ability to adapt to the user’s needs, offering.*

Mood-Boosting And Minor Pain Relief

Kratom also impacts serotonin and norepinephrine receptors, which may contribute to its user reported mood-enhancing properties.4 Hypothetically, this action can lead to feelings of well-being and alleviate discomfort, making it an integral part of VIVAZEN®’s drive to bring Feel Good Relief® from botanicals. It’s this nuanced interaction with the body’s neurochemistry that showcases how Kratom can be a cornerstone of holistic well-being.*4

Kratom product VIVAZEN

Feel Good Relief® With Kratom

The knowledge of kratom’s traditional uses underscores a profound respect for nature’s capacity to provide Multi-Purpose Feel Good Relief. In aligning with this ancient wisdom, VIVAZEN® embraces the power of botanicals to enhance well-being, crafting products that resonate with the essence of kratom’s rich heritage.

Rooted in history yet adapted for the modern world, kratom’s traditional uses inspire our commitment to offering the highest-quality plant-based supplements. By integrating this ancient botanical with other globally recognized herbs, VIVAZEN® aims to deliver a synergy of relief, energy, and relaxation to meet the dynamic needs of today’s adults. Our proprietary herbal blend echoes the spirit of tradition, offering a testament to the enduring value of natural remedies in fostering health and happiness.*

Read also:

Frequently Asked Questions On Kratom

What is kratom used for?

Kratom, a plant indigenous to Southeast Asia, has been traditionally used for centuries as a natural remedy.2 Modern users often turn to kratom for its potential to offer relief from discomfort, boost energy levels, enhance mood, and aid with focus.4 As a versatile botanical, kratom fits perfectly into various routines, providing Feel Good Relief® that aligns with VIVAZEN®‘s dedication to plant-based, holistic well-being.*

How does kratom affect the brain?

Kratom contains compounds called alkaloids, with mitragynine being the most researched. These alkaloids interact with a variety of neuro-transmitters in the brain, which may lead to effects such as sedation, euphoria, minor pain reduction, and decreased stress when consumed in low to moderate doses.1* It’s important to note that while these interactions offer potential benefits, they underscore the need for responsible use and understanding of how kratom works within the body’s systems.

Is kratom legal?

The legality of kratom varies globally and even within countries, notably in the United States, where legal status can differ from one state to another. As of the current knowledge cutoff in 2023, kratom remains federally legal in the USA, but some states and localities have imposed restrictions or bans. Always check the current legal status in your specific location before purchasing or using kratom.

Where does kratom come from?

Kratom is native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Borneo. The plant thrives in moist, nutrient-rich soil found in the dense forests of these areas. Local cultures have harvested kratom for centuries, utilizing its leaves for their therapeutic properties.2 The environment in which kratom is grown plays a crucial role in the development of the plant’s unique alkaloid profile.

What are the different strains of kratom?

Kratom strains are typically classified by the color of the vein in the leaf and the region of origin. The primary vein colors are red, green, and white, each offering distinct effects. Red vein kratom is often used for its calming properties, green vein for a balance of energy boost and relaxation, and white vein for stimulation and focus. Additionally, specialized strains such as Maeng Da and Bali kratom have been developed to highlight certain effects.7*

Can you develop a dependency on kratom?

As with many substances that interact with the brain’s reward system, there is potential for developing a dependency on kratom with continuous, heavy use. Responsible usage, including mindful dosing and taking breaks to prevent tolerance build-up, is crucial.4 If you have concerns about dependency or if you’re considering kratom for therapeutic uses, seeking advice from a healthcare professional is advisable.

Caution: VIVAZEN® is not intended for those under the age of 21. Do not consume if pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not consume while operating heavy machinery. Do not take if you have a medical condition. Do not use with alcohol or drugs. To do so might cause serious harm. Consuming on an empty stomach or exceeding 1 serving per 24-hour period may cause nausea. Intended for short-term use only. Please consult a physician prior to using.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. “Chemical composition and biological effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): In vitro studies with implications for efficacy and drug interactions.” NCBI, 5 November 2020,
  2. Chula research reveals some beneficial effects of kratom. Chulalongkorn University. (2024, April 25).,on%20Kratom%20to%20enhance%20productivity. 
  3. Sheikh, Zilpah, et al. “Kratom: Effects and Benefits.” WebMD, 13 May 2024,
  4. “Curious About Kratom? Here’s What We Know, Based On Science, Of Course.”,
  5. “Natural Herb Kratom May Have Therapeutic Effects And Relatively Low Potential For Abuse Or Harm, According To A User Survey.” Johns Hopkins Medicine, 3 February 2020, 
  6. Red bali vs Maeng da: A complete comparison. Choice Botanicals. (2024b, July 2). 
  7. Deer, Marcel. “Maeng Da Kratom: Is This The Strongest Kratom?”, 
  8. Deer, Marcel. “Red Malay: Strong Pain Reliever & Sedative.”,, Accessed 16 Sept. 2024.
  9. Paul, Wade. “Top Traditional Uses of Kratom & the Science That Backs It Up.”,,